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Miles Iz Ded lyrics

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song lyrics
Miles Iz Ded lyrics
If i stepped it off
Walked outside your trance
Crawled inside your mind
And got my hands into your pants

Wouldn t that beat all
And wouldn t that be great
Then all the things you do to me
We could exaggerate

Now everybody knows
Or everybody wants to know
The hows, the whens and whys
Of how I said goodbye

Ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh

Don t forget the alcohol
Ooh baby, ooh baby
Don t forget the alcohol
Ooh baby, ooh baby

Don t forget the alcohol
Ooh baby, ooh baby
Don t forget the alcohol
Ooh baby, ooh baby

Ooh baby, ooh baby
Ooh baby, ooh baby
Ooh baby, ooh baby
Ooh baby, ooh baby

If I stepped it off
Walked outside your trance
Crawled inside your mind
And got my hands into your pants

Ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh

Don t forget the alcohol
Ooh baby, ooh baby
Don t forget the alcohol
Ooh baby, ooh baby

Don t forget the alcohol
Ooh baby, ooh baby
Don t forget the alcohol
Ooh baby, ooh baby

Ooh baby, ooh baby
Ooh baby, ooh baby
Ooh baby, ooh baby
Ooh, ooh, ooh

Ooh baby, ooh baby
song lyrics

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