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Elegant And Perverse lyrics

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song lyrics
Elegant And Perverse lyrics

Engulfed within somnolence
Submerged within chimera
In isolation I wander
To the place of my sepulcher
The beauty of oblivion

Obstructing my path
Elegant yet perverse
To follow that before me
So blindly I durst

Visions of all I desire came
These gifts I could obtain
The penalty for such treasure
In your world I could not remain
By temptation weakened
Like flowers beneath the frost
Fantasy was mine to live
I realized not my loss

Anon it was ended
Anon it had begun
I awaken after every dusk
Never revealed is the sun
Now in perpetual somnolence
In immortal isolation I wander
Submerged in chimera
To the place of my sepulcher

To the fulfilled I am cursed
To the deprived blessed
Elegant yet perverse
Shall I find my rest?
song lyrics

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