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The Checkered Demon lyrics

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song lyrics
The Checkered Demon lyrics

Too much to find, so much so little time.
So many images persist to shade my mind.
Will I ever come around or will I just hit the ground?
Will I still be standing when it all comes down?
Why can t I seem to sort it out?
Why am I always filled with doubt
So many people everywhere,
so self-absorbed without a care of their viral lves.
I d like to bleed them all, when all is drained who shall hold?
When mindless bodies screw tortured souls,
will somebody be there to catch me when I fall?
Why can t I seem to sort it out.
Why am I always filled with doubt.
How could I always be so
blind? Why can t I figure it out?
I could always hope for change, could always hope to rearrange.
But why not just abandon hope
and tear it all apart, now?
song lyrics

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