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Mile High Club lyrics

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song lyrics
Mile High Club lyrics

Temperatures rise at a hundred degrees
Bet you don t freeze at the Mile High Club
The crash axe would be my only defense
Dogs go berserk when my engines start
Any any animal, any any animal
Get your feet up on the floor, find your father, four to four
Any any animal, any any animal
Jack you were wiped out, blood s still running
Sex gang children gang up on you, jump on top, on top of you
Make love, make love, make love to you, one two three four five miles high
At the Mile High Club
Animal pairs is the game they play, flying flying, flying all the way
This one s for you, only minor birds out there
All the way, all the way to Les Boucher
Any any animal, any any animal
Get your feet up on the floor, find your father, four to four
Any any animal, any any animal
Jack you were wiped out, blood s still running
Sex gang children gang up on you, jump on top, on top of you
Make love, make love, make love to you, one two three four five miles high
Some errants think nothing of letting animals die in the halls
But this will change, Captain Love speaking, some turbulance on board
Haylike nest, buddy on jest
Animal pairs is the game they play, all the way to Les Boucher
At the Mile High Club, at the Mile High Club, at the Mile High Club
At the Mile High Club
song lyrics

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