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Hold On lyrics

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song lyrics
Hold On lyrics

Now I know that it s the same.
Different people, different days.
It won t change.
Do you find security?
Knowing you have broken me.
Like a pastime.

Hold on and you ll find,
What you re eventually looking for.
Hold on and you ll find,
What you re eventually looking for.

Is popularity your quest?
Is this game the perfect test? (Looking for something else)
Do we all? Do we alter?
What we are. (What we are)
Who we honor.
Do we alter who we honor?
Playing with peoples hearts?

Hold on and you ll find,
What you re eventually looking for.
Hold on and you ll find,
What you re eventually looking for.

I find myself, alone again.
I don t want to find myself alone again.

Hold on and you ll find,
What you re eventually looking for.
Hold on and you ll find,
What you re eventually looking for.

Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on.
Hold on. Hold on. Hold on.
song lyrics

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