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The Ring lyrics

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song lyrics
The Ring lyrics

She stares at that ring on her finger
with a far away look in her eyes
She thinks of the memories that linger
of the good days that quickly flew by

And she remembers the day
When a young man would say
that he d found the love of his life
She gave him her hand and he placed on a band
and asked her if she d be his wife

And some may value its silver
And some may value its gold
But she knows no greater value
than the memories it holds

She added a stone when the children were born
and her husband now looks down from above
She s lived a good life as a mother and wife
and the ring is a symbol of love

And her friends know when to leave her alone
they can tell she needs time to cry
She stares at that ring on her finger
with a far away look in her eyes

song lyrics

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