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Food For Thought lyrics

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song lyrics
Food For Thought lyrics

Open chords, open hearts
We?re all the same, deep inside
I?m so tired of seeing this
Smile in vain, spit in spite
We?re all two-faced, we all lie
Dear friends it?s that time
Why?s our world so cut and dry?
Draw the line, draw the line

The perfume?s lost its potence and the stench is calling out
For something hearts are burning revolution come around

Intolerance will find a way to drown out life
This world dissolves in my eyes

Open chords, open hearts
We?re all the same deep inside
Why s our world so cut and dry?
Draw the line, draw the line

The perfume?s lost its potence and the stench is calling out
For something hearts are burning revolution come around

Don?t go it alone?
(Whatever happened to loving one another,
open up your hearts and reach out to each other)
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