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Satan In Me lyrics

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Satan In Me lyrics

Enter the path to the realm below
Where evil sleeps and darkness grows
For you don t know where I ve been
And you don t know what I ve seen
You can t feel what I felt
And you can t go where I ve dwelt
For I am the blood you bleed
And the death you ll see
I am the sign of Satan to bring forth the night
Infernal chanting - as the secrets revealed before my eyes
Lost for evermore, lost in nevermore
As I ve wept one thousand tears
And dreamed one thousand dreams
Now here I stand, flesh and blood
My soul reflects a stream of ice
As your blood flows in the dark
Your fears are calling as I left my mark
So here s my confession
Yet far beyond expression
For I am death and I am birth
Your incarnated fear
And when you re dead you ll dream of me
Live in your illusions - die in your illusions
Restless throughout unseen dimensions I ve wandered
Now I stand forth to challenge the laws of man and god
I ll rise the banner of the strong, for earth shall be mine
My hate are the stars, but soon they ll fall
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