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Mentally Deficent lyrics

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song lyrics
Mentally Deficent lyrics
Soft words you can whisper to my charming asshole
soft treasons, blood gossips, abominable stories
I will spit on your head, you ll know your neurosis
your lying eyes makes me really fuckin mad.
I ll repay my boy, be sure.
I was too little nervous, I had peace of mind
I was too coloured inside, I thought that I m strong
but my sense of safety, my sense of immunity
burst like a meagre, faulty condom.
I m gonna make on order in, in your brain
you cannot be a dick, so bad to me, ok
yes, I will be your medicine - man, oh, baby
I m gonna make an order in, in your brain
I ll uproof bad habits.
My feelings are transforming are breaking through the ass
of this old red haired bitch - autumn...
Wallow in a gutter
shiteaters, supermeaters, welcome to the club
greetings to your company and get off my sight
fuck you and your nice lies
I m gonna make on order in, in your brain
you cannot be a dick, so bad to me, OK
yes, I will be your medicine - man, oh, baby
I ll repay, my boy, be sure!!
song lyrics

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