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Red And Grey lyrics

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song lyrics
Red And Grey lyrics
I loose my doubtful self control
Can t catch a breath anymore
You still keep on killing me
I scream aloud without a sound
One peaceful day could save my life
Or should I cut off the last line
It feels like you pull off my spine
And why do I stumble all the time
Why do I feel so fucking cold?
Why don t I ever make you bored?
Why do I need you all the time?
Why do I hate you somehow?
I slip away and suffocate
My body burns, my soul dies
I need a calm, a dead silence
Get your hands off of my life!!!
I turn away, you turn me back
You look inside my moist eyes
You crudle my blood, you bite my neck!
Get your hands off of my life!!!
Why do I feel so fucking cold?
Why don t I ever make you bored?
Why do I need you all the time?
Why do I hate you somehow?
song lyrics

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