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Rain Barrel lyrics

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song lyrics
Rain Barrel lyrics
I m hiding in a rain barrel
Inside these consul walls,
This shaft of light is so narrow
I can t see much at all,
Outside I hear the feet running
Voices all around,
Foot soldiers with their guns coming
I can t make a sound,

But if Mr. Williams keeps his word
Oh my life could still be saved,
I might live to see a time when all these roads are paved,
If they break inside these walls
Oh, you won t see me again,
But if Mr. Williams keeps his word,
Someday, my story will be heard...

I m living in a strange country
It s so hard to find,
It s not on any map
You carry it in your heart and mind,
Outside I hear the ground shaking
Up from underneath,
It s only when the empire s breaking
That you see their teeth,
But if Mr. Williams keeps his word
Oh my life could still be saved,
I might live to see a time
When all these roads are paved,
And f they break inside these walls
Oh, you won t see me again,
But if Mr. Williams keeps his word
Somewhere, my story will be heard...

I m hiding in a rain barrel
With one small patch of sky,
Don t think I m gonna see tomorrow
Gonna bid this world good-bye...
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