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Why Dont You Cry

Why Dont You Cry mp3 songs

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song lyrics
Why Don t You Cry About It lyrics
I m so tired, I need sleep
I m talking to my pillow case, what s wrong with me?
I make mistakes, but them s the breaks
I m crying out for anyone to come and rescue me

Talk about a new wave (Whoa-oh, whoa-oh!)
Talk about a way to save the day (Whoa-oh, whoa-oh!)
Talk about a new world
Just not today

Hey there, why you look so sad?
What made you so mad that you can t
You can t get over it
Hey there, why you look so hurt?
You get what you deserve, you know, here we go
Why don t you cry about it?

Life s a bitch, and so am I
If you want it bad enough, there s lots of easy ways to die

Talk about a new wave (Whoa-oh, whoa-oh!)
Talk about a way to save the day (Whoa-oh, whoa-oh!)
Talk about a new world
Just not today

Hey there, why you look so sad?
What made you so mad that you can t
You can t get over it
Hey there, why you look so hurt?
You get what you deserve, you know, here we go
Why don t you cry about it?

Talk about a new wave (Whoa-oh, whoa-oh!)
Talk about a way to save the day (Whoa-oh, whoa-oh!)
Talk about a new world
Just not today

Hey there, why you look so sad?
What made you so mad that you can t
You can t get over it
Hey there, why you look so hurt?
You get what you deserve, you know, here we go

Why don t you, why can t you
So tough when no-one knows you
No homies, so lonely
Why don t you cry about it now?
song lyrics

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