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To One In Paradise lyrics

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song lyrics
To One In Paradise lyrics
If I could see the sky above
And my mind could be set free
As wild white horses reached the shore
I d stand alone and oversee

And if the bush before me burns
Should I turn my eyes away?
And still the voices I can hear
As clear to me as light of day

I believed in my dreams
Nothing could change my mind
(Nothing could change my mind)
Now I know what they mean
How could I be so blind?

Cold sands of time
(Winds that blow as cold as ice)
Sounds that come in the night
Shall hide what is left of me
Come from paradise

I ve been through times when no one cared
(Words that were mine)
I ve seen clouds in empty skies
(Clouds in empty skies)
When one kind word meant more to me
(Shall last as a memory)
Than all the love in paradise

I believed in my dreams
Nothing could change my mind
(Nothing can save me, nothing can save me, nothing can save me)
Till I found what they mean
Nothing can save me now

And all my days are trances
And all my nightly dreams
Are where thy gray eye glances
And where thy footstep gleams
In what ethereal dances
By what eternal streams
song lyrics

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