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Its A To Grow

Its A To Grow mp3 songs

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It s A ... To Grow Up lyrics

It s been 10 years of investment
It s been one foot in and one out
It s been 4 days of ??
and I feel snuffed out

It s been 33 years of restraining
Of trying to control this tumult
How I did invest in such fantasy
But my nervous system has worn out

I feel done, I feel raked over coals
and all that remains is the case
That it s a ... to grow up

I ve repeated this dance ad-nauseum
There s still something to learn that I ve not
I m told to see this as divine perfection
But my bones don t feel this perfection

I feel done, I feel raked over coals
and all that remains is the case
That it s a ... to grow up

I ve spent life hovering above bottom
Thinking I can t survive what s below
But I ve known through the kicking and screaming
That there was no other direction to go

I feel done, I feel raked over coals
and all that remains is the case
That it s a ... to grow up
song lyrics

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