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Romeo lyrics

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song lyrics
Romeo lyrics

Yeah, he looks just like a young Mel Gibson
He s got great cheek bones,
and sure I ll admit it
I wish i saw him first

You ve known him now for a whole 2 weeks
do you really think you otta give em that key,
to your apartment

well he could be a good lookin serial killer,
for all you know
He says he comes from money
but he d rather make it on his own

your dreamin to fast
your thinkin with your heart
you got a whole team a horses ahead of your cart
your common sense went south,
your out of control
Dont beleive all you hear (dont)
do all you can (dont)
give all you have (dont)
tell all you know
your gonna bet the farm on romeo

so this summer hes gonna take ya to Paris
and your credit card
bought the clothes he s wearin
now how does that work..

I do admir your enthusiasm
I m sure your right when it comes to passion
hes a love machine

do you need to defold all the details of your past
and that sexy picture you gave them,
now whats he gonna do with that


oh dont be mad
I like tattoos
but come on,
do you, really think you need one too

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