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Every Thug Needs A

Every Thug Needs A mp3 songs

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song lyrics
Every Thug Needs A Lady lyrics

I know it s dark here, you know that I m scared too
For some reason right now, of everything but you
Right now you re all that I recognize
You know I came here when I needed your soft voice
I needed to hear something that sounded like an answer
Now I wait here, and sometimes I get one

It s nothing I ll forget when the moon gets tired
You are stuck to me everyday
Believe in what I am because it s all I have today
And tomorrow who knows where we ll be
From here I can hardly see a thing
But I will follow anyone who brings me to you
For now, forever, for on and on and on

You know it starts here, outside waiting in the cold
Kiss me once in the snow, I swear it never gets old
But I will promise you I can make it warmer next year
You know I came here when I needed your soft voice
I needed to hear something that sounded like an answer
Now I stay here, and everyday I get one

It s nothing I ll forget when the moon gets tired
You are stuck to me everyday
Believe in what I am because it s all I have today
And tomorrow who knows where we ll be
From here I can hardly see a thing
But I will follow anyone who brings me to you
For now, forever, for on and on and on

So go plug in your electric blanket
We can stay in till our southern summer wedding day
Go plug in your electric blanket
We can stay here
song lyrics

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