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Another Door lyrics

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song lyrics
Another Door lyrics

There must be something in the blood we share
Fermented over centuries or something in the air.
Our moody scenery, just won t stop bruising me.
I ve had enough of grey skies raising tears
Another door is closed
I see the fire inside
Another door closed, another door
You know it s cold.
The map of bitterness I imagined
Has just brought out the nurse in me -
Or don t you need care ?
I know, there s lots of love
But it s all twisted up,
I ve had enough of thunder ringing in my ears
[ Here by the fireside, there s a war, a war
Let s blame the war on bad design - Don t cry
Here by the fireside, there s a war, a war
Blame the war on you and I
I know there s lots of love
Still it s all twisted up
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