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The Garden Of Jane

The Garden Of Jane mp3 songs

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song lyrics
The Garden Of Jane Delawney lyrics
The poet s voice lingers on
His words hang in the air
The ground you walk upon
My death will not be there
My death will not be then

I take you through my dreams
Out into the darkest morning
Past the bloodfilled stream
Into the garden of jane delawney
Into her garden love

Always roses there
Don t like it as you pass
For a fire will consume your hair
And your eyes will turn to glass
Your eyes will turn to glass

In the willow s shade
Don t lie to hear it weep
For it s tears of gold and jade
Will drown you as you sleep
Will drown you love

Jane delawney had her dreams
But she never did discover
For the flow that feeds the stream
Is the lifeblood of her lover
Is the lifeblood of her lover
And the purifying beam
Of the sun does shine her never
While the spirit of her dream
In the garden lives forever
Lives forever now
song lyrics

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