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Sitting At The Window

Sitting At The Window mp3 songs

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song lyrics
Sitting At The Window Of My Room lyrics

I sat in the window of my room
Watched you go away
It was all I could do
It was all I could do

Your going away
To leave me alone
In all of this sorrow
In this misery

So look now, my darling
I??ll have to abandon
All thought of you
As your going away

I still see your dear little head
As it touched mine
Saying goodbye, forever goodbye
Those words you said to me have broken my heart
Yes, they ve broken my heart
They were false and did lie

Goodbye, my dear
Goodbye forever
Your going away
Your going away

Death is hard
But your leaving is worse
Oh yes, my dear
Your leaving is worse

Your going, my dear
Your going forever
And leaving me all alone in all of this grief

So how, my dear
How will I forget you
When I see your face wherever I go
When I close my eyes
It s sad though I see you
Your beautiful blue eyes, your beautiful lie

I sat in the window of my room,
And watched you go away,
It was all I could do,
It was all I could do
song lyrics

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