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Too Late To Cry lyrics

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Too Late To Cry lyrics
Sitting all alone with my whisky on ice,
I wonder why he s not with me tonight.
If the rain be on tonight then I won t sleep.
I m haunted by this loneliness I keep.

And it s too late to cry cause we left it all behind,
Too late to cry cause there s nothing left defied.
You won t get more than you re living for,
And it s too late to cry tonight.

It doesn t seem much point in us carrying on,
We pretend to cry but the feelings are gone.
I hear the death man has lost his mate,
The silence that follows him tells me about our fate.

And it s too late to cry cause we left it all behind,
Too late to cry cause there s nothing left defied.
You won t get more than you re living for,
And it s too late to cry tonight.

Empty glass before me tells the story in my eyes,
The dimness it has giving me won t let me realize.
That love is more or less the state of mind we go through,
with no guarantee to what it holds me or you.

And it s too late to cry cause we left it all behind,
Too late to cry cause there s nothing left defied.
You won t get more than you re living for,
And it s too late to cry tonight.
song lyrics

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