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Its A Most Unusual

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It s A Most Unusual Play lyrics

(parody of "It s A Most Unusual Day" by Ray Noble & His Orchestra,
from the movie "A Date With Judy")
It s a most unusual play;
Feel like throwing my tickets away,
Cause the boy gets the boy
And the girl gets the girl
And it s way too far off Broadway.
It s a most unusual plot
Which I ve either blocked out or forgot;
I don t know what it means
But they all wear blue jeans
And they scratch themselves quite a lot.
There s no scenery, there s no lighting,
There s no costumes; oh, what art!
If there only were no house lights,
I would sneak up the aisle and depart.
There s a most unusual scene
Where this man dates this Xerox machine,
So his girlfriend gets mad
And she murders the cad
To the tune of "Begin the Beguine"
In this most unusual, most unusual, most unusual play.
Oh, the language is a bit loose;
It s decidedly not Mother Goose.
Outside on the marquee
This quotation you ll see:
"I was shocked!" and it s signed Lenny Bruce.
It s a play where something went wrong
Cause it s five hours, twelve minutes long.
If you sit there, my friend,
From beginning to end
Then your bladder better be strong.
There are people hitting people;
There s a couple in a cage.
There s neurotics, there s narcotics,
And the bathroom is right on the stage!
It s a great big critical smash,
And it s raking in all kinds of cash.
But the theater s appalling
With things that are crawling;
I think I am getting a rash
From this most unusual, most unusual, most unusual play.
song lyrics

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