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Universal Daddy lyrics

Universal Daddy lyrics mp3 songs

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song lyrics
Universal Daddy lyrics
If you want a new connection
I ll be just a step away
Come on move in my direction
Leave your dollshouse at the breaking of the day
Get this message from your heartbeat
There s an ally you can trust
You ve been searching for adventure
Follow me, lets take the golden path.

There s a universal daddy for everyone
From universal kingdom number one
He sends his universal angels
Through the air
To universal dreamers
Blowing kisses!!

Any girl from any nation
Any boy could drive my car
I ll supply the next sensation
It ll happen if you wish upon a star
Throwing stones against your windows
Don t pretend you re not at home
You can meet me if you want me
But I d like to meet you all alone...

There s a universal daddy
For everyone
From universal kingdom
Number one
He sends his universal angels
Through the air
To universal dreamers
Blowing kisses!!
song lyrics

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