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Nothing To Prove lyrics

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Nothing To Prove lyrics

You don t like my hair
The clothes that I wear
You ve got a problem with my attitude
You don t like my music
You say it s abusive
It s got no class and it s downright lewd
I ve got nothing, I ve got nothing, I ve got nothing, I ve nothing to prove
I ve got nothing, I ve got nothing, I ve got nothing, I ve nothing to prove
I don t think I m going crazy
I might be slightly radged
But what you see, is what you get
And I m not all that bad
?cause I ve got nothing to prove
I do what I want
I say what I feel
I tell you it straight and I keep it real
If you ve got a problem
Then you ve got to solve them
Get out of my face ?cause I m the real deal
I ve got nothing, I ve got nothing, I ve got nothing, I ve nothing to prove
I ve got nothing, I ve got nothing, I ve got nothing, I ve nothing to prove
I don t think I m going crazy
I might be slightly radged
But what you see, is what you get
And I m not all that bad
?cause I ve got nothing to prove
I ve got nothing to prove
You got nothing to prove
We ve got nothing to prove
Have you got something to prove
song lyrics

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