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Sweet Zeb Action lyrics

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Sweet Zeb Action lyrics
Alive and Breathing on a Sunday afternoon
I start to wonder why I feel this good
So you ask why
Well I don t knoow what to tell you, you make me feel good
And life s starting to feel alot more like it should

It s all in the way the things you say, that make me wanna stay
It s all in the way the things you say love, that makes me wanna stick around

You say what you can t remember can t hurt you now
Well I d beg to differ, but I can t remember how
The last thing I don t remember was sleeping with you
I never said that I regret what we do
But could you tell me why I
Feel I need to live before I die

For the longest time I never knew what I had
Never came never went always felt bad
Sometimes it s hard to find a person that ll listen to you
And wont judge the stupid things I always do
Sometimes it s hard to convince yourself you re who you want to be
And when you re living a lie then you re never free

Break From Break
Somethings change when you, give them a chance
I never understood the ways of the world, guess I ll never get the chance
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