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The Eliminator lyrics

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song lyrics
The Eliminator lyrics
Killing s my business and business is fine
Money s my interest, life isn t kind
You know you can run but there s nowhere to hide
Payback s a bitch boy
Now you re gonna die
Hand me the contract, I ve got no remorse
The more cash I get, the bloodier the worst
You claimed their way out, life is up in flames
How bout doin it my way
Beheaded or slain

Hanging or lethal injection
Gas chamber - take a last breath
Firing squad, electrocute, we ll execute!
More than one face of death
Kill em all, let God sort em out
A soldier of fortune, I ll wipe em all out
Having no home, I have no shame
I ll take a life, another victim in pain
Try turning the tables or make it a frame
You can t snuff me out
Because you re my game
You know you re my target
Your time stands still
But no job s too tough
I love to kill
song lyrics

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