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Dont Go Reaching Across

Dont Go Reaching Across mp3 songs

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Don t Go Reaching Across My Plate lyrics

If one thing in this world
I just can t stand
Is bein at the table wit an ill-mannered man

Now, if he s sittin on your left
Before you could eat a bite
He ll reach across your plate
An you know that ain t right

Now I like to eat, as well as any man
But there s some rules, a fool should understand
When ya have one little helpin
An one extra piece of cake
I tell ev rybody, don t go reachin across my plate

I was at a party last night, at over Big Murray
Cat reached cross my plate
Got a coat sleeve in my gravy
I didn t say a word, just looked him dead in the eye
He reached across my plate, an cut him a piece a pie

Now I don t care if he did it for a prank
I don t care, if you had a drink
Especially when I m out, a-with my date
Now don t you go reachin across my plate

At a party last week, there was some high-class folks
Ev rything on the tDon t Lose Your Cool lyrics
In questo girotondo d anime
Chi si volta ? perso e resta qua
Io so per certo amico
Mi son voltato anch io

E per raggiungerti ho dovuto correre
Ma pi? mi guardo in giro e vedo che
C ? un mondo che va avanti anche se
Se tu non ci sei pi?, se tu non ci sei pi?

E dimmi perch?
In questo girotondo d anime
Non c ? un posto
Per scrollarsi via di dosso

Quello che ci ? stato detto
E quello che ormai si sa
E allora sai che c ?

C ? che c ?, c ? che prendo un treno
Che va a paradiso citt?
E vi saluto a tutti e salto su
Prendo il treno e non ci penso pi?

Un viaggio a senso solo senza ritorno
Se non in volo
Senza fermate n? confini
Solo orizzonti neanche troppo lontani

Io mi prender? il mio posto
E tu seduta l? al mio fianco
Mi dirai destinazione paradiso
Paradiso citt?
able, an that ain t no joke
They had barbecue possum, rattlesnake gravy
Chicken fried skunk, an it smelt real crazy

Ev rything went fine, but one thing made me blue
A cat reached across my plate, for some armadillo3 stew
Now when you at the table, you act real nice
You say, "pass me that" or "pass me the platter"
But just because you hungry, an happen to come in late
Don t you go reachin , across MY plate

"Pass some a-that turkey over there, baby!"

"No, don t give me none of that skunk, I don t want none a-that"

"I, I beg your pardon"

"If this cat stop reachin cross my plate, I can maybe ask for somethin "

"A pass me a little a-that turkey there, baby"

Na na na na-na-na-na


"Party nice, party s nice"

"Yeah, ah give gimme some a that chicken over there, baby"

"Chicken fried skunk? "ah no"
song lyrics

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