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The Loon lyrics

The Loon

Upon the lake, upon the windless water,
swim down to me, beautiful bird.
Mercy, stay not forever out of reach.
I hear, I hear your evening song,
strange alien song.

Watered in blood in which I sink and drown,
in flesh and by flora shackle-bound,
feed the ache of this exile s alien song.
I hear, I hear your evening song.

Spirit bird unbind my withered limbs
and cut me from this torment. Unchain me.
Mercy, don t abandon me.

Arrayed in pearl, blushing illuminate deep wounds,
vast seas that rack and crush.
Moonlight upon my throat. Tempest black.

Mercy, stay not forever.
I suffer your endless song.
Here I choke.

Replume, refire, ravage my unholy ghost,
my heavenly mate, burning bright;
bloat and cry out, flame in the infinite,
for all the world is spirit furnace.

Old age, my god, love, and white this blizzard night;
all songs strangle under ice, flame out, and die,
forsaken evermore; linger frozen everlasting song.
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