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I Know Theres A

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song lyrics
I Know There s A Word For This lyrics

I know there s a word for this
I know there s a word for the way I m feeling
I know there s a word for this
I know it, and it s on the tip of my tongue
and it won t go any further.
I know there s a word for this
I know, cause it s in the dictionary
and when I find what it is
I ll write it down in case it comes up again
I ll be certain to avoid it.
        So, take this down:
        I just feel so beat
        and I think it s time
        to admit defeat
        I thought I got mine
        but that uphill climbing
        is never through.
I know there s a word for this
I know cause we ve all at sometime said it
like when we were little kids
we d fight each other til someone would give in
and you d make him tell you uncle .
        So, take this down:
        I just feel so beat
        and I think it s time
        to admit defeat
        I thought I got mine
        but that uphill climbing
        is never through.
song lyrics

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