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I ve Had It lyrics

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song lyrics
I ve Had It lyrics

We made it down to New York
with everything intact
but as for getting back -
it was Boo who made the joke,
they don t give you any hope
but they ll give you plenty of rope
And Dan came in from Jersey
he went to get the drums
and if Buddy ever comes
we can get it off the ground
I hope someone s coming down
else I can t see hanging around
        Oh, experience is cheap
        if that s the company you keep
        and a chance is all that I need
        and I ve had it
        I ve had it
So we all just started playing
and then something strange occured -
not a person stirred
oh, it started out one way
but it turned out to be okay
and I felt that someone should say -
        Oh, experience is cheap
        if that s the company you keep
        and before you know that it s free
        you ve had it
Like most amazing things
It s easy to miss and easy to mistake
For when things are really great
It just means everything s in its place
When everything was over
and we loaded up the van
I turned and said to Dan,
Dan, I guess this is our prime
like they tell us all the time
weren t you expecting some other kind?
        Oh, experience is cheap
        if that s the company you keep
        but I ll never get that disease
        cause I ve had it
        I ve had it
song lyrics

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