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Its Not Going To

Its Not Going To mp3 songs

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song lyrics
It s Not Going To Stop lyrics
It s not what you thought
When you first began it.
You got, what you want
You can hardly stand it though
By now you know

It s not going to stop
It s not going to stop
It s not going to stop
Till you wise up

You re sure, there s a cure
And you have finally found it.
You think, one drink
Will shrink you till you re underground
And living down

But it s not going to stop
It s not going to stop
It s not going to stop
Till you wise up

Prepare a list for what you need
before you sign away the deed

Cause it s not going to stop
It s not going to stop
It s not going to stop
Till you wise up.

No it s not going to stop
Till you wise up
No it s not going to stop
So just give up
song lyrics

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