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From The Oblivion lyrics

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song lyrics
From The Oblivion lyrics

Far away from the dark skies, drops the veil on my real life
Life it saw from your first blood, cackle as it dies for a new dawn.
Rooted deep to my words, beneath the mask of joy
Passion grows, for the route to infinity

I walk, no hope, no fear, no sight
Blind Me... Guide Me...
Darkness, open my eyes.

I crawl, then die, it flows, you cry
They cry, not shy
Screams rise, you fall

Time is short for me, I have to go I believe
I hear their cries, from the oblivion they rise

Burns down at the sight of the maddening moonlight
Shallow words, beneath my wounds
I find you right there, for your prey
Guards down, you hurt me bad

I walk, no hope, no fear, no sight
Blind Me... Guide Me...
Darkness, open my eyes.

I crawl, then die, it flows, you cry
They cry, not shy
Screams rise, you fall

Time is short for me I have to go I believe
I hear their cries, from the oblivion they rise
Words might be short, as they hit you hard
To deaf ears it s my final call

[Solo: Kshitish]
[Solo: Vikas]

Time is short for me I have to go I believe
I hear their cries, from the oblivion they rise
Words might be short, as they hit you hard
To deaf ears it s my final call...
song lyrics

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