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Ferry Me Over lyrics

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song lyrics
Ferry Me Over lyrics

I was forced to wander because that I was poor
And to leave the hills of Caledonia seemed more than I could endure
And when that I was travellin oh what thought came to my mind
That I had never seen her beauty til she was far behind

Ferry me over, ferry me there
To leave the hills of Caledonia, is more than the heart can bear

When lost in distant days gone bywhere the simple joys I d know
The foreign winds cried "Caledonia it s time you were goin home"
So I will find the tallest ship that s ever faced the foam
And I will sail to Caledonia for Caledonia s my home

Cho Ferry me over, ferry me there
To leave the hills of Caledonia, is more than the heart can bear

By some friend or neighbor s side where the fires of love burn bright
With songs and stories I ll share my adventurin until the mornin light
And should some young man ask of me "Is it brave or wise to roam"
I d bid him range the wide world over the better to know his own home

I was forced to wander because that I was poor
And to leave the hills of Caledonia seemed more than I could endure
And when that I was travellin oh what thought came to my mind
That I had never seen her beauty til she was far behind
song lyrics

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