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The Land O The

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song lyrics
The Land O The Leal lyrics
I m wearin awa , Jean
Like snaw-wreaths in thaw, Jean,
I m wearin awa
To the land o the leal.
There s nae sorrow there, Jean,
There s neither cauld nor care, Jean,
The day is aye fair
In the land o the leal.
Ye, aye,were leal and true, Jean,
Yer task is ended noo, Jean,
And I ll welcome you, Tae the lan o the Leal
Our bonnie bairn s there, Jean,
She was baith gude and fair, Jean;
And O! we grudged her sair
To the land o the leal.
SO, dry that tearfull e e, Jean!
My saul langs to be free, Jean,
And angels wait on me
To the land o the leal.
Now fare-ye-weel, my ain John,
This warld s cares are vain, John,
We ll meet, and we ll be fain,
In the land o the leal.
song lyrics

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