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Come In Closer lyrics

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song lyrics
Come In Closer lyrics

The first born my heart will call Truly
A God like boy of the sky
The fog hissed away like a movie
And serpents go home for the night
The thundercloud rain hits the freeway
and The clowns put on makeup for show
The nightfall, my skin crawl kind of evening
Yeah how the wind she blows
And How the wind she blows

I want you to come in closer
Come in closer. Come in closer.
Come in closer.
Come in closer. Come in closer.
closer in closer.
Come in closer, in closer

Come dancing with devils
Need not to know their names
but We ll waltz like an army
For the fear of our pain
And Our souls become useless
As the day they were born
In the rusted arm rocking chair
Away from your storm

But still, the truth remains lethal
A lie made by man
Where my shoes become hammers
And my words become sand
Like a sour patch, a wedding batch
Of roses you threw across my floor
In the rusted arm rocking chair
Away from your storm

I want you to.
I want you to.
I want you to.
Just to come in closer.
In closer.
song lyrics

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