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Bull Session With The

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Bull Session With The big Daddy lyrics
Well are we on?
Yeah well we re kinda on
We just introduce Earl Leaf so
Earl Tree
Hi Fig
You get my cheese sandwich?
Uh huh they had ham
Did you get a malt?
Didn t bring any malts
What d you get us?
A burger I mean cheese here s cheese
Oh it s mine
Did you order one?
No I m kidding
What d you get me?
Mike I m gonna take a bite pretty quick
Oh thank you
I would ve rather had that
No that s all wrong
Hey there s onions on this so I hope all you guys don t mind
Hi Earl
Here s some french fries you can all split
Oh there s kosher pickles
Thank you for the french fries I m really uh
Everything s gonna be alright Marylin
Thank you
Oops okay why don t Earl talk to Brian
You stepped on my french fries
Now after the concert in Paris
Which was a blast
You mean that that big ol thing
That was a musically
I loved that conce that was the best concert
I had a lot of fun
It was great
I thought it was our best show we ever played
It s great
I thought it I liked it almost
First show I only made three mistakes
I still haven t made a mistake my whole career
We re keep waiting for you to make a mistake Brian
Where was this place we had the lamb wherever it was
Oh that banquet we had
Yeah they brough in this big ol lamb and Dennis and I had to sit there
holding it up
Yeah but it had its you know they cooked the whole lamb and put its raw
head back on
Yeah that s right
They didn t take the they didn t even burn the hair off it
It s sitting looking at you like
Well the whole European
Franch bread
Of all of Europe the only thing that stuck out in my mind is the bread
I you know you know who was a great help was Dick Reising, Capitol
records representative over there, one of the greatest guys I ve ever met
in my life
He sent us a telegram
Hey uh hey Carl
Yeah get out of here
What uh what was the most fascinating experience you remember? What
what s the highlight?
Gee I don t know I think Rome It sticks out in my mind. It was such a
beautiful place I mean the Colosseum, I ve never seen anything like that ever
Looks like it
When in Rome
You know I love England
The T. V. work is great there
If you notice like "Shindig" or"Halibalu" a lot of these T.V. shows are
going after it
There s about six of them now
Or well all of the T. V. shows are all going after this sort of thing
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