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Uncle Elwyn lyrics

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song lyrics
Uncle Elwyn lyrics
Songwriters: Harvey, Yvonne J.; Hatch, Tony;

It s uncle Elwyn
It s uncle Elwyn
My uncle Elwyn is tall
My Elwyn is small
My Elwyn plays a mean basketball

He s about 45 maybe 55, 60
I m not sure, once he mixed me a drink
I was about 5 years old

It was Koolaid and pop
I thought that was cold
Cold meaning good

Cold s supposed to be bad
But I think that I [unverified] would
Change some things,I change their meanings
I ve been here, I ve been demeaning

Once, twice, maybe three times
I asked my uncle Elwyn he s a mime
Ask uncle Elwyn
Ask uncle Elwyn

E L W Y N that s Elwyn, say it again
E L W Y N that s Elwyn, say it again
E L W Y N that s Elwyn, sing it again
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