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Devils Haircut lyrics

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song lyrics
Devil s Haircut lyrics

Somethings wrong cause my mind is fading
And everywhere I look there s a dead end waiting
Temperatures dropping at the rotten qasis
Stealing kisses from the leperous faces
Heads are hanging from the garbage man trees
Mouthwash jukebox gasoline
Pistols are pointing at a poor man s pockets
Smiling eyes ripping out of his sockets
Got a devil s haircut in my mind,
Got a devil s haircut in my mind,
Got a devil s haircut in my mind,
Got a devil s haircut in my mind.
Love machines on the sympathy crutches
Discount orgies on the dropout buses
Hitching a ride with the bleeding noses
Coming to town with the brief case blues
Got a devil s haircut in my mind,
Got a devil s haircut in my mind,
Got a devil s haircut in my mind,
Got a devil s haircut in my mind.
Somethings wrong cause my mind is fading
Ghetto-blasting disintegrating
Rock n roll, know what I m saying
And everywhere I look there s a devil waiting
Got a devil s haircut in my mind,
Got a devil s haircut in my mind,
Got a devil s haircut in my mind,
Got a devil s haircut in my mind.
song lyrics

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