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But Anyway lyrics

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But Anyway lyrics

I lied I told I love her
She did not care but anyway
I told her we d still be friends
And she did not care but anyway
I tried last week to call her
She wasn t home but anyway
I think I ll spend my life alone
I really don t care right now, but anyway
It s a state of affairs
and a state of emotions
the kind of thing that you must unerstand
I tell you one thing
You tell me another
We walk away, maybe then shake hands
I m quitting cigarette smoking
It s bad for me but anyway
I don t think the TV was joking
When it told me this but anyway
The newsman said not to sit on strange toilet seats
It s my life he s trying to save but anyway
I found out that I got eye cancer
Too many television waves but anyway
It s a state of affairs
and a state of emotions
the kind of thing that you must unerstand
I tell you one thing
You tell me another
We walk away, maybe then shake hands
Some day the answer will find us
Quite a long shot but anyway
I think the past is behind us
Be real confusing if not but anyway
I put all my hope in tomorrow
It s gonna be great I can tell anyway
I see a new day dawning
I like to sleep late, oh well, but anyway
It s a state of affairs
and a state of emotions
the kind of thing that you must unerstand
I tell you one thing
You tell me another
We walk away, maybe then shake hands
song lyrics

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