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Lets Stick Together lyrics

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Let s Stick Together lyrics

Well, a young marriage vow, you know, it s very sacred
The man put us together, now, you wanna make it
Stick together
Come on, come on, stick together.

You know, you made a vow, not to leave one another, never
Well, ya never miss you water till your well runs dry
Come one, baby, give our love a try, let s stick together
Come on, come on, stick together
We made a vow, not to leave one another, never.

Well, ya never miss your water till your well runs dry
Come one, baby, give our love a try, let s stick together
Come on, come on, stick together
You know, we made a vow, not to leave one another, never.

It might be tough for a while, but consider the child
Cannot be happy without his mom and his pappy
Let s stick together
Come on, come on, stick together
You know, we made a vow, not to leave one another, never.
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