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A Man Ill Never

A Man Ill Never mp3 songs

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song lyrics
A Man I ll Never Be lyrics

If I said what s on my mind
you d turn and walk away
disappearing way back in your dreams
It s so hard to be unkind
So easy just to say
that everything is just the way it seems

You look up at me
And somewhere in your mind you see
a man I ll never be

If only I could find a way
I d feel like I m the man you believe I am
And it gets harder every day for me
to hide behind this dream you see
A man I ll never be

I can t get any stronger
and I can t climb any higher
You ll never know just how hard I ve tried
Cry a little longer
and hold a little tighter
Emotions can t be satisfied

You look up at me
And somewhere in your mind you see
a man I ll never be


If only I could find a way
I d feel like I m the man you believe I am
And it gets harder every day for me
to hide behind this dream you see
A man I ll never be


Can t get any stronger
and I can t climb any higher
You ll never know just how hard I ve tried
Cry a little longer
and hold a little tighter
Emotions can t be satisfied

Oh you look up at me
And somewhere in your mind you still see
a man I ll never be

If only I could find a way
I d feel like I m the man you believe I am
And it gets harder every day for me
And it gets harder to see that
song lyrics

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