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To The Limit lyrics

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song lyrics
To The Limit lyrics
[Chorus: ]
I ll rub your back, wash your hair
I ll do anything, I don t care
I ll cook your food, buy your clothes
To the limit I will go
I will go

I guess you wonder where I ve been
I ve been thinking about the perfect way
To express my thoughts within
You mean everything to me
And I wanna be the only man
To supply your needs

[Chorus ]

I await your precious kiss
Gets my head when they spread sweet and wet
Across my lips
I respond to every single touch
Got me open on your love
Wanna give you so much

[Chorus ]

The things I do for you
Take you out for a night on the town
And after I ll run you some bath water
With some bubbles
Do you like bubbles
I ll dry you off
And lotion your body down
You d like that, wouldn t you
I ll do anything you want me to
You know I don t care
song lyrics

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