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Another Day lyrics

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song lyrics
Another Day lyrics
Woke up lyin on the floor
Can t recall the night before
Oh - another day

Outside it s cold and damp
Unemployment cheque is spent
Yeah - another day

Some people never know
You can t just let it go
Or try and work it out some other way
Some people never learn
My life ain t their concern
And nothin s gonna change come what may

Had a job but it fell through
Landlord says the rent is due
Oh - another day

They say the best in life is free
But if you don?t pay then you don?t eat
Oh - another day

I guess I ll never know
You can t just let it go
Or try to work it out some other way

Some people never learn
Their life ain t my concern
Ain t nothin gonna change come what may

Grass looks greener on the other side
But I can t get there my hands are tied
And if I do don t be surprised
Oh - gotta figure it out another day
song lyrics

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