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Junction Texas 1978 lyrics

Junction Texas 1978 lyrics mp3 songs

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song lyrics
Junction, Texas 1978 lyrics

There s a hole in your plan
And it s hard to see
I don t trust all your talk
And your sympathy
When you first came around
And impressed all the farmers
They were struck by your smile
And your promise of better days

Oh, the storm hit us hard
And it left us weak
We can t pay for the loss
And we have to eat
But this land is our soul
And our soul can t be traded
For the trinkets you hold over hope
That has faded
Our despair has created a life
That we hate to live
Give us time, give us time
All we need is time
We re in shock
We re confused and we ache inside
But this land is our soul
And our soul can t be traded
So we ll try to hang on
And we ll see sadness fade
Through despair we ll create a new life
That we love to live
song lyrics

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