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To You I Belong lyrics

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song lyrics
To You I Belong lyrics
Rain fell down
You were there
I cried for you when I
hurt my hand
Storm a-rushing in
Wind was howling
I called for you, you were there

Whenever dark turns to night
And all the dreams sing their song
And in the daylight forever
To you I belong

Beside the sea
When the waves broke
I drew a heart for you in the sand
In fields where streams
Turn to rivers
I ran to you, you were there

Whenever dark turns to night
And all the dreams sing their song
And in the daylight forever
To you I belong

I ran to you, you were there

Whenever dark turns to night
And all the dreams sing their song
And in the daylight forever
To you I belong

To you I belong
To you I belong
song lyrics

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