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Buputa lyrics

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Buputa lyrics

He said: "I don t want to be exclusive"
Just at the top of the list
He said: "I m tired of being famous"
I just want to be elusive
You can t see what I see
No lights on the mystery
Buputa says you like to sell your hardware
You could probably do with some new insight
Sell yourself thin around too many people
He said: "I don t want to be anointed"
Like other saints before me
He said: "I m so good at being famous"
I never make the blacklist
You can t see what I see
No lights on the mystery
Buputa says you like to sell your hardware
You could probably do with some new insight
Sell yourself thin around too many people
Sell yourself thin around too many people
Sell yourself around, yourself around
You can t see what I see
No lights on the mystery
Buputa says you like to sell your hardware
You could probably do with some new insight
Sell yourself thin around too many people
Sell yourself thin around too many people
Sell yourself thin around too many people
Sell yourself thin around too many people
Sell yourself around

song lyrics

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