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Some Dreams Come True lyrics

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song lyrics
Some Dreams Come True lyrics

##written by:   D. Peterson/W. Igleheart
##Main Voice: Debbi
I ve seen the shadows fall
Colors that fade on my wall
Dressed up nowhere to go
It s all in my mind I know
But it s alright now
We re on our way
Lay me down in the moonlight
So close to you
maybe we re just dreamers
Some dreams come true
Lips move but not a sound
When the words fall to the ground
eyes watch but seldom see
the possibilities
But it s alright now
We re on our way
Lay me down in the moonlight
So close to you
Maybe we re just dreamers
Some dreams come true
When we re together
There s nothing we can t do
Maybe we re just dreamers
Some dreams come true
Moving in circles that we create
Seeing whatever we choose
Hear only voices that call your name
song lyrics

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