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Fleet St B c lyrics

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song lyrics
Fleet St. B.c. lyrics
Invite Jesus back into your heart
What you feelin
Misery, misery depart
Use God s wisdom; make a brand new start
But invite Jesus
Invite Jesus back into your heart

I was blind, but now I see
It was Jesus, it was Jesus hoodwinking me
First book, first chapter, first verse
Don t send a begging man to a bankrupt chruch

Cause this church is my church, not yours
And the wisdom knows the truth
And old testaments agree
Fleet St. B.C.

Take Cliff Richards back into your heart
Pay him money
What s a good Lord
What s a good Lord charge?
Join the church of the Sacred Heart
Invite Jesus
Invite Jesus back into your heart

You can best the bible
You can sing the song of praise
Ten Hail Marys or a simple word like Grace
When you re on your knees
And you don t know what to think
Don t forget the wisemen worked for a High Street bank

Cause this church is my church, not yours
And wisdom knows the truth
And the old testaments agree
its Fleet Street B.C.

I was blind
But now I
But now I see
I was blind...
song lyrics

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