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The Weapons Are Concealed lyrics

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song lyrics
The Weapons Are Concealed lyrics

I m wearing it.
I m wearing it under my face.
An expression and an admission of my disgrace.
But I m sure I will make it okay.
I ll try to give you something better.
I m wearing it today.
But I m sure I will make it okay.
I ll try to give you something better.

You with a grin on your face.
Me with a bag in its place.
I ve put a rope round my neck.
I m trying to win your respect.

Conceal the weapons!
Conceal the weapons!
Death shares everything I have.
Conceal the weapons!
Conceal the weapons!
But I hate the way I
Conceal the weapons!

Blame it on the staring match between the two of us.
Blame it on the staring match between the two of us
song lyrics

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