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Rubber Biscuit lyrics

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song lyrics
Rubber Biscuit lyrics

Bow bow bow...
(Um, do that again)
Bow bow bow...
Have you ever heard of a wish sandwich? A wish sandwich is the kind of a
sandwich where you have two slices of bread and you, hee hee hee, wish you
had some meat...
Bow bow bow...
Ummm... the other day I had a ricochet biscuit. A ricochet biscuit is the
kind of a biscuit that s supposed to bounce back off the wall into your
mouth. If it don t bounce back, hee hee hee,... you go hungry!
Bow bow bow...
Umm, umm, umm... the other day I had a cool water sandwich and a Sunday-go-
to-meetin bun...
Bow bow bow...
Hee hee hee hee... What da ya want for nothing? ... a rrrrrrrrubber biscuit?
Bow bow oooh ooh oooh oooooooo-waaaaaaaah...
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