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Planet Jerk lyrics

Planet Jerk lyrics mp3 songs

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song lyrics
Planet Jerk lyrics

it came from planet jerk
it was a cold machine
it wore a capa jackson ?
it said it loved the go-betweens
you are an astronaught
but i am from planet..
i ve got a feeling you were gonna bring me down to earth
it came from planet jerk
it wore a keen disguise
it was a fiend for disco
it played a roland synthesizer
you are an astronaught
but i am from planet..
i had a feeling you were gonna bring me down to earth
it came from planet jerk
it wore a keen disguise
you should have looked more closely
should have been much less surprised
you are an astronaught but
i am from planet..
i ve got a feeling you were gonna bring me down to earth
oh i ve got a feeling you were gonna bring me down to earth
send me back to planet jerk
song lyrics

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